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How do Italians drink coffee?

Le abitudini degli italiani con il caffè

Italians are among the largest consumers of coffee and like to define themselves as true connoisseurs of this drink. But how many ways to drink coffee exist in Italy alone?

In Italy, coffee is a real ritual, which marks the various moments of the day and is now part of our culture.

According to a recent survey by Nomisma, for 58% of those interviewed, the main reason why they drink coffee is the boost and energy it gives. 51% say they appreciate the taste while 30% highlight the fact that drinking coffee has now become a pleasant habit.

97% of Italians drink coffee on average 4 times a day – twice at home and at the bar or at work – distributed over three times: at breakfast, mid-morning and after the two main meals.

For 80% of Italians, the favorite time to have coffee is the morning, thanks to the now ingrained habit of starting the day with this energy drink.

Compared to the results of a 2014 research, domestic consumption has increased by almost one percentage point, but the preparation methods have changed: the use of the mocha is the preferred extraction method for 37.2 of the interviewees.

Slowly, however, the traditional coffee machine is giving way to the professional coffee machine, preferred by 40% of coffee lovers.

Many Italians love to consume coffee outside the home, a habit interrupted by the lockdown which saw the growth of preparation and consumption within the home grow exponentially.

As regards the favorite type of coffee, in first place is the classic espresso, one of the Italian symbols of excellence and also widely known abroad.

The data also shows differences in the different areas of Italy: while in the north sweetened coffee is preferred, lighter and with little foam, in southern Italy a dense, full-bodied coffee with a lot of foam, low in sugar is preferred.

But how much do you spend on coffee? Coffee Monitor 2018 shows that the average annual expenditure per capita on coffee per person amounts to approximately 259.40 euros. The majority of citizens, around 42%, spend between 10 and 30 euros monthly, while 4% spend more than 60 euros.

This is what emerges from this research: coffee is confirmed as a drink of excellence in the Bel Paese, as well as a national symbol and a true social ritual.

In short, they can take away everything from Italians except their much-loved coffee.

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